In 2017 the grandparents of four were awarded guardianship of their abused and neglected grandkids, whose parents were involved in the opioid epidemic. Their two older girls, who suffered from years of trauma and abuse, joined us for Spring Session last year.

Their Grandparents shared that "We immediately noticed change in both girls, but our oldest, Morgen, responded especially well. To this day Morgen still tells her counselor that this program literally saved her life. Each week Morgen made gradual steps toward becoming a better person filled with life, energy and self-worth. The mentors and staff of Surfrider Spirit Sessions guided both our girls to becoming good students and responsible young people.  The change in the life of these two young girls is remarkable. Despite their journey of overcoming the years of neglect and abuse, they both are much happier and much more mentally stable.  

“We as the grandparents are so thankful for what this program does for at-risk teens. We hope other kids, like our grandchildren, can have the opportunity to not only learn to surf, but also have a life filled with hope, self-worth and success.” - Morgen’s Grandparents