Our Youth Are Priceless Gifts
Our kids often share their experience with the program and the impact it has had on their lives.
“Surfrider Spirit Sessions assists the Family Court in offering youth who have taken missteps a path to staying out of trouble and moving forward in a positive direction. Over time, each of us as members of our island community can realize the tremendous benefits programs such as this make available to troubled youth, by encouraging them to respect themselves and others, pursue positive goals and have hope for the future as they become young adults. This, in turn, may decrease the odds that any of them may end up in the adult criminal justice system. ”
“Unique community driven programs like Spirit Sessions are rare and very much needed. And sadly, the State cannot provide these kinds of services. We, as a community, need to realize that these children belong to all of us. As a community we owe a debt of gratitude to the wonderful Spirit Surfing volunteers that fie their tie m to helping our kids change their lives. Without Spirit Sessions many of these young people would continue their individual lives of crime – eventually becoming adult offenders. The mission of Spirit Surfing is one that all of us should embrace for in doing so – we enrich the future of the State.”
“We’ve got plenty of kids and we need a positive place to direct them to. Keep it up guys; we need you. You guys are heroes, truly! And everyone who supports this program and is part of this program is a hero, they’re all heroes too.”