Our Story
It began with a book.
The surfer spirit
Surfrider Spirit Sessions was created in 2006 by Executive Director Cynthia Y.H. Derosier in response to a need expressed by the Hawai‘i Girls Court. Inspired by life messages in Derosier’s book, The Surfer Spirit, and her work as a motivational speaker, Girls Court therapist Emma Pavich asked Cynthia to help teach the girls the messages found in the book, to which Cynthia replied, “The only way they can learn it is to experience it. If you want them to ‘get it,’ we’ve got to get them surfing.” Judge Karen Radius encouraged this, calling it “an idea so radical, it just might work.” The judge actively championed the proposed pilot program.
In December 2009, Surfrider Spirit Sessions became an independent non-profit corporation and received IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax status in March 2010. Since the initial launch, the Spirit Sessions team has continued to provide six sessions each year in spring, summer, and fall for around 100 Oahu youth each year.
Our strength rests on personal and community involvement. We’ve learned that we aren’t just catching waves and changing lives but building a stronger community for all. The Surfrider Spirit Sessions ohana continues to grow, learn, and serve.
We don’t see “at-risk”... we see future champions and leaders. We believe our youth are “Champions in Training,” and we are the coaches who support them, push them when needed, and cheer them on to succeed in school, at home, at work, in the community, and in life. We call our teens “Champions in Training” because we’ve seen their passion and spirit and know they thrive on challenges. We see their potential and know what they can do.
The teens we serve have the innate capacity to be powerfully positive leaders. Our kids are strong and courageous. They have endured challenges and encountered obstacles the average person will never see in their entire lifetime. They’ve suffered setbacks and have sometimes been headed in the wrong direction. Yet they have survived. They have the resilience and power to overcome hardships, redirect their lives, and lead others towards positive change.
Why we exist
Surfrider Spirit Sessions was initially created in response to needs expressed by Hawaii State Family Court judges, probation officers, and counselors. These needs include:
adrenaline outlets
healthy and fun physical activity
exposure to positive role models
adapting new life skills and modes of thinking
cultural and environmental awareness
improved self-esteem
We address these needs to help youth fulfill their potential and become successful adults.
We also provide a safe and nurturing community. Surfrider Spirit Sessions provide our participants with a positive link to our community and new identities as good citizens, role models, and potential community leaders. Youth are immersed in a healthy and comforting environment with the safety of one-on-one mentorship... one they are happy to embrace!
What we do
Surfing naturally appeals to teens. Through surfing, we pull the ground out from under our youth, grab their interest, help them recognize their inherent value, and transform their raw energy into character strengths!
The joy of surfing and the accomplishment of catching waves are an instant boost to self-esteem, and surfing together provides a positive bonding experience and enhances trust. Our method of combining one-on-one adult mentoring, group mentoring, peer mentoring, eco-therapy, experiential environmental education, Hawaiian cultural lessons, and athletics stimulates youth participation and leads to strong relationships.
The more connections, the tighter the safety net
We’re building a big ohana. Based on the Hawaiian concept that we are all connected, Surfrider Spirit Sessions brings together state and local agencies, businesses, and community members to support our youth and share their resources to provide a better safety net for our teens. Our programs work because we all work together to empower our youth to succeed at home, in school, and in their community.
Culturally-aligned programs
We believe that community support and cultural activities are the answers to healing the trauma experienced by our youth. Our programs’ successes are based on the practice of aloha and the life-long commitment that supports at-risk youth and their families and builds healthy relationships through our surf ohana. We strive to connect youth to appropriate community resources and strong support networks through collaborative relationships with community partners and youth service agencies, aligning with the ahupuaa system of community interdependence and interconnectedness. We use surfing and Hawaiian cultural traditions (such as mentorship, developing a connection to the ocean and land, and malama aina (care for the land) to engage youth, invigorate their spirit, and build positive mana in our community.
Our programs and curriculum incorporate Hawaiian culture within the framework of the seven guiding themes of culturally responsive programs expressed by the Native Hawaiian Education Council. Our programs and lessons impact youth:
enhance family, peer, and adult relationships
increase connectivity with the community
decision-making and ability to contribute to self, family, and community
reduce risky behaviors
increase cultural awareness and appreciation
increase environmental stewardship and awareness