Kids Love Us!
Kids request to be in our program; judges and probation officers use us as a reward.
Cost-effective and community-based
Surfrider Spirit Sessions leverages many hours of dedicated volunteer time to mentor underserved youth, filling critical gaps in the severely under-resourced juvenile justice system and community programs. We build a stronger safety net for our high-risk youth by partnering with other youth-serving organizations.
Measuring success
Judges, probation officers, counselors, court staff, and youth have all indicated that our programs are highly desirable and among the most popular, relevant, and effective diversion programs available. We see the transformation in our youths’ attitudes, behaviors, activities, achievements, and belief in themselves.
Surfrider Spirit Sessions can give probation officers, case workers, and counselors valuable information and insights to better serve kids’ individual needs. Most importantly, mentors provide critical support, demonstrate healthy life skills, and serve as much-needed role models for our teens. We do what the courts and other programs cannot do alone.
Youth impact is measured through objective and subjective feedback from youth journals and Spirit Cards, mentor reports, and staff observation and reports. These vehicles provide valuable insight into the growth and transitions youth make while in the program. Additional feedback is collected from probation officers, case workers, and parents, who often see the positive changes that youth are making as a result of being involved in Spirit Sessions.
Our outcomes speak volumes
Surfrider Spirit Sessions effectively addresses the issues of Hawaii’s at-risk, vulnerable, and adjudicated youth who need more services with an individualized approach. To date, we have served over 700 youth, ages 13-18, through our core Spirit Sessions program.
We are proud to share the following outcomes from our 2019 Youth Impact report based on 65 core program youth, 103 community service kids, and 8 Junior Mentors for spring, summer, and fall programs. The youth reported the following:
89% reported a strong positive shift in self-esteem and confidence
73% experienced a positive shift, and 13% experienced a strong positive shift in peer/adult relationships with mentors and a building of trust
89% showed a positive and 2% a strong positive increased interest in citizenship, including participating in volunteer work/community service activities and beach clean-ups
73% reported a positive, and 7% reported a strong positive in learning to live a healthier lifestyle
3% showed positive, and 7% showed a strong positive increase in understanding of Hawaiian Culture
Additionally, program teens identified the following significant changes in their lives as a result of attending our Spirit Sessions:
100% reported being able to surf after completing the core program
88% reported that they now have a more positive attitude toward themselves
91% reported they feel they possess several good qualities
67% reported they now know what to do to stay out of trouble
65% reported having a trusted adult to go to with their problems
76% report having positive friends and role models (peer and adult) as a result of attending Spirit Sessions
60% reported they now have a good role model in their life
83% reported they have a more positive attitude towards caring for our environment
98% reported they feel they think it is cool to participate in Spirit Sessions.
To review a complete copy of our 2018 Surfrider Spirit Sessions Youth Outcomes, please CLICK HERE.
“Surfrider Spirit Sessions is cool, they let me surf my troubles away. Surfing is just like life, you gotta ride the waves, and learn from your mistakes when you wipe out.”
“I trust the mentors, because you guys are for real – not like the courts or my counselor or teachers, you don’t get paid to be nice to me. I know you really care, I believe what you tell me.”